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Orthopedic in Iran

Persistent joint pain or mobility issues can significantly affect daily life. Shafatourism partners with the best orthopedic clinics in Iran to provide world-class orthopedic care at affordable prices. We aim to help you regain mobility and enhance your quality of life through our exceptional orthopedic services.

Services Orthopedics in Iran

Knee brace treatment

Treatment of flat feet

Cross knee treatment

Making an artificial eye

Treatment of kyphosis

Treatment of scoliosis

Artificial leg prosthesis

Bronze package

$ 120
  • 3 star hotel
  • Leader
  • Transfer
  • Ticket
  • SIM card and internet
  • The turn of the treatment center
  • Visa
  • Translator

Silver package

$ 500
  • 4 star hotel
  • Leader
  • Transfer
  • Ticket
  • SIM card and internet
  • The turn of the treatment center
  • Visa
  • Translator

Gold package

$ 950
  • 5 star hotel
  • Leader
  • Transfer
  • Ticket
  • SIM card and internet
  • The turn of the treatment center
  • Visa
  • Translator

Compare prices

Knee brace treatment
500 $
1,000 $
1,400 $
South Korea
2,700 $
Treatment of flat feet
1,200 $
South Korea
2,700 $
3,500 $
Cross knee treatment
2,300 $
4,500 $
5,000 $
Making an artificial eye
2,300 $
4,500 $
5,000 $
Treatment of kyphosis
500 $
1,000 $
1,400 $
South Korea
2,700 $
Treatment of scoliosis
1,200 $
South Korea
2,700 $
3,500 $
Artificial leg prosthesis
2,300 $
4,500 $
5,000 $

What Are Services of Orthopedic in Iran?

Orthopedics is a medical specialty focused on diagnosing, treating, and managing conditions affecting the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Orthopedic services encompass a wide range of treatments aimed at addressing issues related to the musculoskeletal system. This includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. At Shafatourism, we facilitate direct orthopedic care in Iran, ensuring that our patients receive the best possible treatment from top orthopedic doctors and surgeons in Iran. Whether you need joint replacement, spine surgery, or treatment for a sports injury, our network of orthopedic specialists in Iran is equipped to provide you with the care you need.

Background of Orthopedic in Iran Services

Orthopedic surgery in Iran has a rich history, with advancements that date back to ancient times. Iranian physicians like Avicenna and Rhazes were pioneers in the field, developing early techniques for treating fractures and joint issues. Today, this legacy of innovation and expertise continues. Modern orthopedic clinics in Iran are staffed by some of the best orthopedic doctor in Iran, who are trained to use the latest techniques and technologies.

Cost of Orthopedic Services in Iran

The cost of orthopedic services in Iran is significantly lower than in many Western countries, making it an attractive destination for medical tourists. Patients can expect to save between 50% to 70% on procedures such as joint replacements, spine surgeries, and arthroscopic treatments. Despite the lower costs, the quality of care remains exceptionally high, with state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained orthopedic surgeons.

Types of Musculoskeletal Diseases Requiring Orthopedic in Iran

  • Osteoarthritis: A degenerative joint disease affecting the knees, hips, and hands, causing pain and stiffness. Treatments include joint replacement and arthroscopic procedures.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune disorder causing chronic joint inflammation, primarily in the hands and feet. Treatments include synovectomy, tendon repair, and joint replacement.
  • Herniated Disc: Occurs when the soft center of a spinal disc pushes through its outer casing, irritating nearby nerves. Treatments include physical therapy, medication, and minimally invasive spine surgery.
  • Osteoporosis: A condition where bones become weak and brittle, leading to fractures. Treatments involve bone density testing, medication, and possibly surgical interventions like vertebroplasty or hip replacement.
  • Rotator Cuff Tears: Tears in the shoulder’s stabilizing tendons, causing pain and limited motion. Treatments include arthroscopic and open surgical repairs.
  • Meniscus Tears: Common knee injuries among athletes, caused by twisting motions or impact. Treatments range from physical therapy to arthroscopic repair or partial meniscectomy.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Compression of the median nerve in the wrist, causing numbness and weakness. Treatments include wrist splinting, corticosteroid injections, and possibly surgery.

Types of Orthopedic Services in Iran

Iran offers a comprehensive range of orthopedic services designed to address various musculoskeletal conditions. These services are provided by some of the best orthopedic surgeons and clinics in Iran, ensuring high-quality care at affordable prices. Here’s an overview of the key orthopedic services available:

  • Joint Replacement Surgery: Expert surgeons perform knee and hip replacements using advanced techniques for quick recovery and long-term success, crucial for those with severe arthritis or joint damage.
  • Spine Surgery: Clinics offer procedures like laminectomy, discectomy, and spinal fusion to treat herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and other deformities, alleviating chronic pain and improving mobility.
  • Arthroscopic Surgery: Minimally invasive arthroscopy is used to diagnose and treat joint issues such as torn ligaments, meniscus tears, and rotator cuff injuries, promoting faster recovery and less postoperative pain.
  • Fracture Repair: Both surgical and non-surgical techniques, including internal and external fixation and bone grafting, ensure proper healing of broken bones.
  • Sports Medicine: Specialized treatments for athletes address injuries like ligament tears and tendonitis, helping them return to peak performance.
  • Pediatric Orthopedics: Treatments for congenital deformities and growth-related issues, such as clubfoot, scoliosis, and hip dysplasia, are provided by skilled pediatric orthopedic surgeons.
  • Orthopedic Oncology: Comprehensive care for bone and soft tissue tumors, including surgical intervention, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, is available.
  • Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy: Essential post-surgical care helps patients recover faster and regain strength and mobility through tailored rehabilitation programs.

By offering these diverse and advanced orthopedic services, Iran has established itself as a leading destination for medical tourism, attracting patients from around the world seeking high-quality, cost-effective orthopedic care.

Consultation for Orthopedic in Iran

At Shafatourism, we believe that the key to successful orthopedic treatment starts with expert consultation. Our dedicated consultants are here to guide you through every step of your medical journey, ensuring you receive the best possible care tailored to your needs. By contacting our consultants, you will be referred to the best orthopedic clinics in Iran, where experienced orthopedic surgeons will provide you with correct and principled guidance.

In addition to medical services, Shafatourism offers comprehensive support to make your stay in Iran comfortable and hassle-free. We provide accommodation arrangements, airline tickets, and visa services, ensuring that all your logistical needs are met seamlessly. Our goal is to make your medical journey smooth and stress-free, allowing you to focus solely on your recovery.

You can ask our consultants about various aspects of your treatment, including the type of orthopedic procedures available, the qualifications of surgeons, expected recovery times, and detailed cost estimates. We can also assist with questions regarding the best timing for your surgery, pre-operative preparations, and post-operative care requirements. Our comprehensive approach ensures that all your queries are addressed, and you receive the support you need throughout your medical experience in Iran.

Orthopedic in Iran: For Whom Are They Suitable and For whom the not?

Not Recommended For:

  • Patients with severe comorbid conditions that increase surgical risk.
  • Individuals with active infections or severe skin conditions at the surgical site.
  • Patients with uncontrolled chronic diseases like diabetes or hypertension.
  • Pregnant women, depending on the type and timing of surgery.
  • Patients with poor bone quality or severe osteoporosis, for certain types of surgeries.

Suitable For:

  • Individuals with chronic joint pain due to arthritis or degenerative joint disease.
  • Patients with acute injuries like fractures, ligament tears, or meniscus injuries.
  • Athletes requiring specialized sports medicine treatments.
  • Children with congenital orthopedic conditions such as clubfoot or scoliosis.
  • Patients with musculoskeletal tumors requiring orthopedic oncology services.
  • Individuals requiring rehabilitation and physiotherapy post-surgery.

Diagnosis of Orthopedic Services Method

Diagnosing musculoskeletal diseases often involves a combination of medical history evaluation, physical examination, and advanced diagnostic tests. These tests help orthopedic doctor in Iran to accurately identify the underlying issues and develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Diagnostic Methods Include:

  • Medical History and Physical Examination: Initial assessment to understand the patient’s symptoms and physical condition.
  • X-rays: Used to visualize bone fractures, joint abnormalities, and alignment issues.
  • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging): Provides detailed images of soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
  • CT Scans: Cross-sectional imaging for a more comprehensive view of bone and soft tissue structures.
  • Ultrasound: Utilized for examining soft tissue structures and guiding injections.
  • Bone Scans: Detect bone diseases and fractures not visible on X-rays.
  • Electromyography (EMG): Assesses the electrical activity of muscles and the health of the nerves controlling them.
  • Blood Tests: To check for markers of inflammation or infection that may affect musculoskeletal health.

How Long Do Orthopedic Services Take?

The duration of orthopedic services varies depending on the type of procedure and the individual patient’s condition. Generally, minor procedures such as arthroscopic surgeries can take about 1-2 hours, while more complex surgeries like joint replacements or spinal fusions may require several hours. Recovery times also vary, with some patients resuming normal activities within a few weeks, while others may need several months of rehabilitation. 

Orthopedic Services Steps

At Shafatourism, we ensure a seamless and comprehensive experience for your orthopedic treatment, integrating both medical and tourism services to enhance your stay in Iran. Here are the detailed steps involved:

  1. Initial Consultation: Contact Shafatourism to discuss your symptoms and medical history. Our consultants will refer you to the best orthopedic clinic in Iran. We provide initial consultations to assess your needs and help you understand the treatment process.
  2. Diagnosis: Undergo diagnostic tests such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans to accurately determine the nature of your condition. Our partnered clinics in Iran use state-of-the-art equipment to ensure precise diagnosis.
  3. Treatment Planning: Based on the diagnosis, an individualized treatment plan is created. This plan may include surgical or non-surgical options, tailored to provide the best possible outcomes for your condition.
  4. Pre-Operative Preparation: Receive comprehensive guidance on pre-surgery care, including necessary medical clearances and preparations. This step ensures you are fully prepared for the procedure. We also assist with logistical arrangements such as flight bookings, visa processing, and accommodation reservations.
  5. Surgery: The procedure is performed by skilled orthopedic surgeons in state-of-the-art facilities. Our network includes some of the best orthopedic surgeon in Iran, ensuring you receive top-quality care. Throughout this phase, we provide services like airport pickup, local transportation, and multilingual interpreter support to make your stay comfortable.
  6. Post-Operative Care: Follow-up appointments, physical therapy, and rehabilitation are crucial for a smooth recovery. Our services include arranging appointments, coordinating with rehabilitation specialists, and ensuring you have access to necessary medical support during your recovery period.
  7. Follow-Up: Continued monitoring and support from your medical team to address any concerns and ensure long-term success. We stay in touch with you to ensure your recovery is on track, providing any additional support or consultations as needed.

In addition to medical services, Shafatourism offers an array of tourism services to enhance your stay in Iran:

  • Accommodation: Comfortable and affordable lodging options tailored to your needs, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly accommodations.
  • Transportation: Reliable and convenient transportation services, including airport transfers, local transportation, and car rentals.
  • Visa Assistance: Comprehensive support with visa applications and processing to ensure a hassle-free travel experience.
  • Tour Packages: Customized tour packages that allow you to explore the rich cultural heritage and scenic beauty of Iran, including city tours, historical site visits, and recreational activities.
  • Interpreter Services: Multilingual interpreters to assist with communication during your medical consultations and throughout your stay.
  • 24/7 Support: Around-the-clock assistance to address any needs or concerns you may have during your time in Iran.

Care Before Orthopedic Services

Pre-operative care is crucial for ensuring the best possible outcomes from your orthopedic surgery. Here are some key aspects:

  • Medical Evaluation: Complete a thorough medical assessment to confirm fitness for surgery.
  • Medication Management: Adjust or discontinue certain medications as advised by your doctor.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Maintain a balanced diet to support your body’s healing processes.
  • Exercise: Engage in prescribed pre-operative exercises to strengthen the muscles around the affected area.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption to improve surgical outcomes and recovery.

Care After Orthopedic Services

Post-operative care is essential for a successful recovery and long-term health. Key aspects include:

  • Follow-Up Appointments: Attend all scheduled follow-up visits to monitor your progress and address any issues.
  • Medication: Take prescribed pain relievers and other medications as directed.
  • Physical Therapy: Participate in rehabilitation programs to restore strength and mobility.
  • Wound Care: Keep the surgical site clean and follow your doctor’s instructions for wound care to prevent infection.
  • Activity Restrictions: Adhere to activity limitations and gradually increase your activity level as advised by your healthcare provider.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to support overall recovery and prevent future issues.

The Best Orthopedic Clinic in Iran

Shafatourism is dedicated to connecting you with the best orthopedic services clinics in Iran, ensuring that you receive top-notch medical treatment. We prioritize clinics that have undergone rigorous research and are recognized for their credibility and quality. These clinics maintain a pristine, hygienic environment that meets international health standards, providing a safe setting for all medical procedures. Each clinic is officially licensed by the Ministry of Health, which guarantees adherence to stringent regulatory requirements and continuous monitoring for excellence in healthcare delivery.

In addition to maintaining high standards of cleanliness and regulatory compliance, the best orthopedic clinics in Iran are equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and facilities. These clinics offer comprehensive counseling and support sessions to help patients understand their treatment options and prepare for their procedures. Shafatourism ensures that our partner clinics are staffed by highly skilled professionals who provide personalized care tailored to each patient’s needs. The clinics we work with boast advanced diagnostic and surgical equipment, enabling precise and effective treatments. This combination of expertise, technology, and patient-centered care ensures that you receive the best possible outcomes for your orthopedic needs.

What is the Ability of the Best Orthopedic Services Clinic?

The best orthopedic services clinics in Iran, partnered with Shafatourism, offer unparalleled capabilities in treating a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. These clinics provide advanced diagnostic tools, cutting-edge surgical techniques, and comprehensive rehabilitation programs. Their ability to perform complex surgeries such as joint replacements, spinal surgeries, and minimally invasive procedures ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care. Additionally, the clinics’ commitment to ongoing research and professional development keeps them at the forefront of orthopedic medicine, making them a preferred choice for patients seeking world-class orthopedic services.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Orthopedic Treatment in Iran

Orthopedic treatment in Iran offers several advantages. Firstly, the cost is significantly lower compared to Western countries, making high-quality care accessible to a broader range of patients. Iranian orthopedic surgeons are renowned for their expertise and are often trained in advanced techniques. The facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. Moreover, the comprehensive services provided by platforms like Shafatourism include logistical support, such as accommodation and transportation, which simplifies the medical journey for international patients.

However, there are some disadvantages to consider. The language barrier might pose a challenge for non-Persian speaking patients, although many clinics provide interpreter services. Additionally, the cultural differences and unfamiliar healthcare system might require some adjustment. While the cost is lower, patients should still thoroughly research and choose reputable clinics to avoid any substandard care. Travel logistics, including obtaining visas and dealing with long flights, can also be a hurdle for some patients.

Before/After Orthopedic Treatment in Iran

To showcase the effectiveness of orthopedic treatments in Iran, we present a series of before-and-after images and testimonials from our patients. These visuals and stories highlight the significant improvements in mobility and quality of life that our patients have experienced. From joint replacement surgeries to spine corrections, these examples provide clear evidence of the high standard of care available in Iran. This section aims to offer prospective patients a tangible insight into the outcomes they can expect from undergoing orthopedic treatment with Shafatourism’s partner clinics.

Last Words

At Shafatourism, we are committed to providing exceptional orthopedic services by partnering with the best clinics and specialists in Iran. Our comprehensive approach ensures that you receive world-class medical care along with top-notch support services, including accommodation, transportation, and visa assistance. Trust Shafatourism to guide you through your medical journey with expertise and care, ensuring optimal health and a positive experience in Iran.


To begin your orthopedic treatment journey with Shafatourism, simply contact our consultants through our website or phone. We will guide you through the initial consultation, diagnosis, and treatment planning stages.

? Iranian clinics offer treatments for a wide range of conditions, including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, herniated discs, osteoporosis, rotator cuff tears, meniscus tears, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Shafatourism provides comprehensive support, including medical consultations, accommodation arrangements, transportation, visa assistance, and multilingual interpreter services to ensure a comfortable and stress-free experience.

Shafatourism partners only with the best orthopedic surgeons in Iran, who are highly experienced and recognized for their expertise. We ensure that you are matched with a surgeon who specializes in your specific condition for the best outcomes.