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Dental Services in Iran

Dental services in Iran offer a remarkable combination of high-quality care and affordability, making it an attractive destination for dental treatments. At Shafatourism, we ensure you receive top-notch care by connecting you with the best clinics and specialists, all while maintaining rigorous standards of quality and hygiene.

Services Dentistry in Iran

Dental implant

Dental veneers

dental bridge



Dental scaling

filling teeth

pull tooth

Bronze package

$ 120
  • 3 star hotel
  • Leader
  • Transfer
  • Ticket
  • SIM card and internet
  • The turn of the treatment center
  • Visa
  • Translator

Silver package

$ 500
  • 4 star hotel
  • Leader
  • Transfer
  • Ticket
  • SIM card and internet
  • The turn of the treatment center
  • Visa
  • Translator

Gold package

$ 950
  • 5 star hotel
  • Leader
  • Transfer
  • Ticket
  • SIM card and internet
  • The turn of the treatment center
  • Visa
  • Translator

Compare prices

Dental implant
500 Dollar
1,000 Dollar
1,400 Dollar
South Korea
2,700 Dollar
Dental veneers
1,200 Dollar
1,400 Dollar
South Korea
2,700 Dollar
3,500 Dollar
dental bridge
2,300 Dollar
4,500 Dollar
5,000 Dollar
2,300 Dollar
4,500 Dollar
5,000 Dollar
500 Dollar
1,000 Dollar
1,400 Dollar
South Korea
2,700 Dollar
Dental scaling
1,200 Dollar
1,400 Dollar
South Korea
2,700 Dollar
3,500 Dollar
filling teeth
2,300 Dollar
4,500 Dollar
5,000 Dollar
pull tooth
2,300 Dollar
4,500 Dollar
5,000 Dollar

What is Dental Services?

Dental services encompass a wide range of treatments aimed at maintaining and improving oral health. These services include preventive care, such as regular cleanings and check-ups, restorative procedures like fillings and crowns, and advanced treatments such as dental implants and orthodontics. At Shafatourism, we facilitate access to comprehensive dental care tailored to meet your specific needs in Iran.

Background of Services Dental in Iran

Dental care in Iran has seen significant growth over the past few decades, with a notable expansion of a long list of dental clinics in Iran equipped with cutting-edge technology since the early 2000s. Iranian dental specialists, renowned for their expertise, have made Iran a prominent medical tourism hub. Particularly from the mid-2010s, the influx of international patients seeking dental services surged, attracted by the high standards of care and the notably lower dental services cost in Iran compared to Western countries.

Statistics show that dental implants in Iran have gained immense popularity, with a significant increase in the number of procedures performed annually. This trend highlights the affordability and proficiency of Iranian dental professionals, making Iran an attractive destination for those looking to restore their smiles without financial strain. Compared to neighboring countries, Iran’s dental services are superior in terms of both quality and cost-effectiveness, drawing a diverse range of patients.

Causes of Teeth Diseases Requiring Dental in Iran

Common reasons for dental issues include poor oral hygiene, high sugar consumption, and smoking, all of which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Inadequate brushing and flossing allow plaque to build up, which can harden into tartar and cause cavities. Additionally, certain medical conditions, medications, and genetic factors can exacerbate dental problems. Understanding these causes helps in devising strategies to reduce the risk of dental diseases, such as maintaining a healthy diet, practicing good oral hygiene, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking. Early identification through regular diagnostic tests is essential to address these issues promptly.

Tooth Decay (Cavities)

Tooth decay occurs when bacteria produce acids that erode tooth enamel, leading to cavities that can cause pain and infection if untreated.

Gum Disease (Periodontal Disease)

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. It is often caused by poor oral hygiene that allows plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—to build up on the teeth and harden. In its early stages, gum disease can cause inflammation and bleeding gums. As it progresses, it can lead to tooth loss.

Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is characterized by a sharp pain in the teeth when exposed to certain stimuli, such as cold, hot, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks. This condition can result from worn tooth enamel, exposed tooth roots, or cavities. 

Dental Trauma

Dental trauma refers to injury to the teeth, gums, or surrounding tissues, often caused by accidents or sports injuries. Such injuries can result in chipped, cracked, or knocked-out teeth, requiring immediate dental attention.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer can affect any part of the mouth, including the lips, tongue, cheeks, and throat. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment, which often involves surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Symptoms may include sores that do not heal, lumps, or unexplained bleeding.

Types of Dental Services in Iran

Iran offers a wide array of dental services, leveraging advanced techniques and modern technology to provide comprehensive care. Here are some key methods available:

  • Dental Implants

A permanent solution for missing teeth involves the insertion of titanium posts into the jawbone to support crowns.


  • Dental Veneers

Cosmetic enhancements made of porcelain or composite resin to improve tooth appearance.


  • Dental Bridges

Replaces missing teeth by anchoring a false tooth to adjacent teeth or implants.


  • Orthodontics

Corrects misaligned teeth and jaws using braces or clear aligners.


  • Dentures

Removable replacements for missing teeth, available as full or partial dentures.


  • Dental Scaling

Removes plaque and tartar to maintain oral hygiene and prevent gum disease.


  • Filling Teeth

Restores decayed teeth using composite resin, porcelain, or amalgam materials.


  • Tooth Extraction

Removes severely damaged or decayed teeth, common for impacted wisdom teeth or orthodontic needs.

Consultation of Dental in Iran

At Shafatourism, we understand that navigating dental treatments abroad can be daunting. That’s why we offer comprehensive consultation services to ensure you receive the best possible care. Contact our experienced consultants, who will guide you through every step, from choosing the right clinic to understanding your treatment options. We work with the top dental clinic in Iran, providing you with accurate and principled guidance tailored to your specific needs.

In addition to arranging your medical services, Shafatourism also offers full accommodation and tourism packages. This includes assistance with airline tickets, visa arrangements, and comfortable lodging, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience. Our goal is to provide not only excellent dental care but also a memorable visit to Iran.

In What Cases is Dental in Iran Not Recommended and For Whom is it Suitable?

Not Recommended For:

  • Individuals with severe uncontrolled systemic diseases (e.g., advanced heart disease, uncontrolled diabetes).
  • Patients with acute infections or active periodontal disease that need to be addressed first.
  • Pregnant women in the first and third trimesters (specific treatments may be postponed).

Suitable For:

  • Patients seeking high-quality dental care at affordable prices.
  • Individuals needing complex dental procedures like implants, veneers, or orthodontics.
  • Those looking for cosmetic enhancements to their smile.
  • Patients who value comprehensive care combined with travel and cultural experiences.

Diagnosis Methods of Dental in Iran

Our comprehensive diagnostic approach starts with an initial consultation and physical examination of the oral cavity, allowing our specialists to get a clear understanding of your dental health. X-rays and imaging techniques, such as radiographs, are used to uncover underlying issues like bone loss, cavities, and impacted teeth that might not be visible during a routine examination.

For more precise planning of treatments like dental implants and orthodontics, we employ 3D scanning technology. This advanced imaging provides detailed views of the oral structures, facilitating the creation of highly accurate treatment plans. Additionally, our oral health assessments evaluate for gum disease, tooth decay, and other common dental issues, ensuring that all aspects of your oral health are considered.

How Long Does Takes for Dental in Iran?

The duration of dental services varies based on the type of treatment required. Routine procedures like cleanings and fillings can be completed in a single visit, typically within an hour. More complex treatments such as dental implants or orthodontics may require multiple appointments over several months. Shafatourism ensures that your treatment schedule is efficiently managed to minimize your stay in Iran while providing the highest quality care.

Dental Services Steps

Initial Consultation and Diagnosis

  1. Contact Shafatourism: Reach out to our consultants to discuss your dental needs and select the best clinic and specialist.
  2. Send Medical Records: Submit your medical documents for preliminary review.
  3. Remote Initial Consultation: Engage in a preliminary consultation to discuss your dental condition.
  4. Price Estimation: Receive a tentative cost estimate based on the initial consultation.
  5. Appointment Scheduling: Finalize your treatment schedule and set the date for your procedure.
  6. Obtain Medical Visa: Acquire your medical visa, either independently or with the assistance of Shafatourism’s experienced staff.
  7. Travel to Iran: Plan your trip to Iran for the scheduled treatment.

Upon Arrival in Iran

  1. Meet Shafatourism Personnel: Our team will greet you at the airport and assist you with your accommodation arrangements.
  2. Doctor’s Visit: Attend a consultation with your dentist to finalize treatment plans.
  3. Treatment Procedure: Undergo the planned dental procedures at the selected clinic.
  4. Settlement with Hospital: Complete the necessary financial settlements post-treatment.
  5. Receive Medical Records: Obtain all relevant medical documentation post-procedure.

Recovery and Departure

  1. Recovery Period: Spend the necessary recovery time as advised by your dentist.
  2. Flight Clearance: Obtain a medical clearance for your flight back home.

Care Before Dental Services

  • Timely Arrival: Arrive at the clinic on time for your appointment.
  • Bring Medical Documents: Ensure you have all your medical records with you.
  • Manage Anxiety: Consider taking a mild sedative if you feel anxious.
  • Avoid Eating: Do not come with a full or empty stomach unless instructed otherwise.
  • Maintain Oral Hygiene: Brush your teeth and use mouthwash before the appointment.
  • No Makeup: Avoid using lip and mouth cosmetics.
  • Inform Your Dentist: Share your medical history and current health conditions with your dentist.

Care After Dental Services

  • Medication Adherence: Take prescribed medications as instructed.
  • Bleeding Management: Use sterile gauze to manage any bleeding.
  • Swelling Reduction: Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling.
  • Pain Management: Use pain relievers as needed to manage discomfort.
  • Oral Hygiene: Maintain regular oral hygiene with flossing, brushing, and mouthwash to prevent infections.
  • Dietary Restrictions: Stick to soft and liquid foods initially and avoid acidic foods.
  • Avoid Heavy Activity: Refrain from strenuous activities for a few hours to days post-treatment.

By following these guidelines and care instructions, you can minimize the risks and complications associated with dental procedures. For any questions or concerns, contact Shafatourism’s support team, who will provide the best guidance and, if necessary, connect you with your dentist.

Costs of Dental Services and Inclusions

In Iran, dental services are significantly more affordable compared to many Western countries. The costs typically include consultation fees, diagnostic tests such as X-rays, the dental procedures themselves (such as implants, veneers, or orthodontics), and any necessary follow-up visits. Shafatourism ensures transparency in pricing, providing you with a detailed breakdown of all expenses involved, so you can make informed decisions about your dental care without unexpected financial surprises.

The Best Dental Services Clinic in Iran

Choosing the best dental services clinic in Iran ensures high-quality treatment and excellent results. At Shafatourism, we connect you with reputable clinics known for their international standards and expert professionals. Our partnered clinics are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including the latest dental technology, ensuring precise diagnostics and effective treatments. They maintain a pristine, hygienic environment and hold official licenses from the Ministry of Health, ensuring compliance with national health regulations.

Counseling and support sessions are integral to the patient experience at Shafatourism. From initial consultation to post-treatment follow-ups, our dedicated team provides comprehensive support.


At Shafatourism, we are dedicated to providing you with the best care for dental in Iran. Our comprehensive services ensure that you receive high-quality treatments from reputable clinics, combined with full support for your travel and accommodation needs. Trust us to make your dental health journey in Iran smooth, affordable, and successful.


Shafatourism offers comprehensive support, including dental consultations, treatment arrangements, travel plans, accommodation, and post-treatment care. We ensure a seamless experience from start to finish.

Contact our consultants for an initial consultation. We will guide you through selecting the right clinic, planning your treatment, and making travel arrangements.

Expect a comfortable and hygienic environment, high-quality dental care, and continuous support from Shafatourism. We take care of all logistics, allowing you to focus on your treatment and recovery.

While most patients are suitable for dental services, those with severe uncontrolled systemic diseases or acute infections may need to address these issues first. Our consultants will guide you based on your medical history.

The cost of dental implants in Iran is significantly lower compared to many Western countries. Prices can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the materials used. Contact Shafatourism for a detailed quote based on your specific needs.