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Cancer Treatment in Iran

Facing a cancer diagnosis is a daunting experience, filled with uncertainty and fear. For many, the struggle includes finding the right place that offers effective treatment without the burden of exorbitant costs. At Shafatourism, we understand the urgency and the overwhelming emotions that accompany such a diagnosis. That’s why we are committed to providing you with access to world-class cancer treatment in Iran, offering hope and quality care at an affordable price. Let us guide you through this journey, ensuring you receive the best possible treatment and support.

Services Cancer in Iran



Hormone Therapy


Bronze package

$ 120
  • 3 star hotel
  • Leader
  • Transfer
  • Ticket
  • SIM card and internet
  • The turn of the treatment center
  • Visa
  • Translator

Silver package

$ 500
  • 4 star hotel
  • Leader
  • Transfer
  • Ticket
  • SIM card and internet
  • The turn of the treatment center
  • Visa
  • Translator

Gold package

$ 950
  • 5 star hotel
  • Leader
  • Transfer
  • Ticket
  • SIM card and internet
  • The turn of the treatment center
  • Visa
  • Translator

Compare prices

500 $
1,000 $
1,400 $
South Korea
2,700 $
1,200 $
South Korea
2,700 $
3,500 $
Hormone Therapy
2,300 $
4,500 $
5,000 $
2,300 $
4,500 $
5,000 $

What is Cancer Treatment?

Cancer treatment encompasses a variety of medical therapies aimed at eradicating cancer cells or inhibiting their growth. It includes conventional methods like surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, as well as advanced treatments such as immunotherapy and targeted therapy. In Iran, these treatments are administered by highly skilled oncologists using state-of-the-art technology.

Background of Cancer Treatment in Iran

Cancer treatment has evolved significantly over the decades. Traditionally, it began with the surgical removal of tumors, which was then complemented by radiation therapy and chemotherapy in the 20th century. These methods aimed at killing cancer cells but often came with severe side effects.

In recent years, Iran has emerged as a leader in medical tourism, particularly for cancer treatment. Iranian specialists employ a multidisciplinary approach, combining various cancer treatment options in Iran to achieve the best outcomes. This includes cutting-edge techniques such as targeted therapy and immunotherapy, which have shown promising results with fewer side effects. Moreover, the cancer treatment expenses in Iran are considerably lower compared to Western countries, making it a viable option for many international patients.

Iran’s healthcare system also prioritizes comprehensive patient care, ensuring that every patient receives personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific type of cancer and stage. This holistic approach has positioned Iran as a top destination for cancer treatment therapy in Iran, providing patients with access to top-tier medical care at a fraction of the cost.

Cost of Cancer Treatment in Iran

The cost of cancer treatment in Iran is significantly lower compared to many Western countries, without compromising on quality and effectiveness. Patients can expect to receive world-class care from highly trained specialists and state-of-the-art facilities at a fraction of the price. This affordability, combined with the expertise and advanced technology available, makes Iran an attractive destination for medical tourists seeking effective and economical cancer treatment solutions.

Causes of Cancer and Diagnostic Tests

Cancer arises from mutations in the DNA of cells, leading them to grow and divide uncontrollably. These mutations can be triggered by various factors. Common causes include long-term use of tobacco, poor dietary habits, alcohol consumption, and lack of physical activity. Additionally, exposure to radiation, carcinogenic pollutants, and working with hazardous chemicals can also contribute to the development of cancer. Each of these factors is linked to one or more types of cancer. Early detection remains crucial for effective treatment, with diagnostic tests employed to identify cancer at its initial stages.

Diagnostic Tests for Cancer

Diagnostic tests are the first steps in detecting and confirming cancer. Common tests include imaging techniques such as MRI, CT scans, and PET scans, which provide detailed images of the body’s internal structures. Biopsies, where a sample of tissue is taken for examination under a microscope, are used to definitively diagnose cancer. Blood tests, including tumor markers, can also indicate the presence of certain types of cancer. In Iran, these diagnostic tests are performed using the latest technology, ensuring accurate and timely diagnosis for effective treatment planning.

Types of Cancer Needing Treatment

  • Breast Cancer

Breast cancer originates from the uncontrolled growth of cells in the breast tissue, often forming a lump. Common symptoms include a change in breast shape, lumps, nipple discharge, or skin changes. Many patients live without symptoms for years, but early detection through mammograms is crucial.

  • Lung Cancer

Lung cancer develops from the rapid growth of abnormal cells in the lung tissue. Symptoms may include persistent cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath. Often, early-stage lung cancer presents no symptoms, and patients can live unaware for several years. Smoking is the primary cause, but non-smokers are also at risk.

  • Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer occurs in the prostate gland in men. It often grows slowly and may not show symptoms initially. When symptoms do appear, they may include difficulty urinating, blood in urine, or pelvic pain. Many men live with undiagnosed prostate cancer for years due to its slow progression.

  • Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer affects the colon or rectum. Symptoms can include changes in bowel habits, blood in stool, abdominal discomfort, and weight loss. Early detection is vital, but many live symptom-free for years, making regular screening through colonoscopy important

  • Leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow, leading to the excessive production of abnormal white blood cells. Symptoms can include fatigue, frequent infections, easy bruising, and bleeding. It often goes undetected until symptoms become severe.

  • Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer develops in the cells of the cervix, often caused by HPV infection. Symptoms may include abnormal vaginal bleeding, pelvic pain, or pain during intercourse. Early stages usually present no symptoms, emphasizing the importance of regular Pap smears.

  • Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer arises from the tissues of the pancreas. Symptoms are often subtle and include jaundice, weight loss, and abdominal pain. Due to its subtlety, pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage, making early detection challenging

Types of Cancer Treatment Therapy in Iran

 The primary treatment options facilitated by Shafatourism include:


cancer treatment with radiation in Iran uses high-energy radiation to target and destroy cancer cells, minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue.


Employing potent drugs to kill or inhibit the growth of cancer cells, often used in combination with other treatments.

Hormone Therapy

Treating cancers that are sensitive to hormones by blocking or removing the hormones that fuel cancer growth.


Physically removing tumors and affected tissues, is often used in conjunction with other treatments to ensure complete cancer eradication.

Shafatourism connects you with top specialists and state-of-the-art facilities to provide these cancer treatment types in Iran, ensuring you receive the best possible care.

Consultation for Cancer Treatment in Iran

Contact our Shafatourism consultants to receive expert guidance and referrals to the best clinics for your specific cancer treatment needs. We ensure correct and principled advice, tailored to your medical condition. Beyond medical services, Shafatourism also provides comprehensive support, including accommodation, tourism services, airline tickets, and visa assistance, ensuring a seamless and comfortable experience for our patients.

In What Cases is Cancer Treatment Not Recommended and For Whom is it Suitable?

Not Recommended:

  • Advanced age with multiple co-morbidities
  • Poor overall health or frailty
  • Certain terminal stages where treatment may not improve quality of life

Suitable For:

  • Patients in good general health
  • Early to mid-stage cancer diagnoses
  • Patients seeking advanced and cost-effective treatment options

Diagnosis of Cancer Treatment Method

  • Initial consultation and medical history review
  • Comprehensive diagnostic tests (imaging, biopsies, blood tests)
  • Multidisciplinary team evaluation
  • Personalized treatment plan based on cancer type and stage

Shafatourism ensures that each patient receives a tailored diagnosis and treatment plan, leveraging the expertise of top specialists and cutting-edge medical technology in Iran.

How Long Does the Cancer Treatment Take?

The duration of cancer treatment varies depending on the type and stage of cancer, as well as the chosen treatment method. It can range from a few weeks for radiation therapy to several months for chemotherapy cycles. Surgical procedures may require a shorter time, followed by recovery periods.

Cancer Treatment Steps

At Shafatourism, we streamline the entire process to ensure a smooth and efficient experience for our patients, integrating medical care with essential travel and accommodation services.

  1. Initial Consultation: Contact our consultants to discuss your medical history and treatment needs.
  2. Medical Review: Our experts review your medical records and recommend the best clinics and specialists.
  3. Travel Arrangements: We assist with obtaining visas, booking airline tickets, and arranging accommodation.
  4. Arrival and Initial Meeting: Upon arrival in Iran, you will meet with your assigned medical team for a detailed consultation.
  5. Diagnostic Tests: Undergo necessary diagnostic tests to confirm your treatment plan.
  6. Treatment Plan: Begin your personalized treatment program, which may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or hormone therapy.
  7. Post-Treatment Care: Receive follow-up care and support, with arrangements for extended stay if necessary.

Care Before Cancer Treatment

  • Complete all recommended pre-treatment diagnostic tests.
  • Follow any specific dietary or lifestyle instructions provided by your healthcare team.
  • Ensure all travel arrangements and accommodations are in place through Shafatourism.

Care After Cancer Treatment

  • Adhere to follow-up appointments and any additional diagnostic tests.
  • Follow the post-treatment care plan, including medication and lifestyle recommendations.
  • Utilize Shafatourism’s support services for an extended stay or additional medical needs.

Shafatourism ensures comprehensive support before, during, and after your cancer treatment, making your journey as comfortable and effective as possible.

The Best Cancer Treatment Clinic in Iran

Choosing the best cancer treatment clinic in Iran involves thorough research and consideration of several key factors. Shafatourism collaborates with top-tier clinics known for their credibility and high-quality care. These centers are recognized for their advanced treatment protocols and success rates, ensuring patients receive the best possible care.

The credibility of these clinics is bolstered by their adherence to international healthcare standards, their highly trained specialists, and their commitment to continuous improvement in cancer treatment methods. Each clinic maintains a spotless, hygienic environment, crucial for the well-being and recovery of patients. This is ensured through stringent cleanliness protocols and regular inspections. Additionally, these clinics hold official licenses from the Ministry of Health, guaranteeing that they meet all regulatory requirements and standards of excellence.

Beyond medical treatments, these clinics offer comprehensive counseling and support sessions to address the emotional and psychological needs of patients and their families. They are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, enabling precise diagnostics and effective treatment plans. From the latest imaging machines to advanced radiotherapy equipment, the facilities are designed to provide top-notch care.

 The best cancer treatment clinics are characterized by their ability to offer a multidisciplinary approach, combining surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormone therapy tailored to each patient’s specific needs. Shafatourism ensures that patients are connected with these leading clinics, facilitating access to cutting-edge treatments and holistic care, ensuring every aspect of the patient’s journey is managed with the utmost care and professionalism.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cancer Treatment in Iran

Cancer treatment in Iran offers numerous advantages. Patients benefit from access to advanced medical technology and highly skilled specialists, ensuring high-quality care. The cost of treatment in Iran is significantly lower than in many Western countries, making it an attractive option for international patients. Additionally, Iran’s healthcare system is well-regarded for its comprehensive and personalized approach, providing holistic care that addresses both the physical and emotional needs of patients. The support services offered by companies like Shafatourism, which include travel arrangements, accommodation, and continuous guidance, further enhance the overall experience for medical tourists.

However, there are also some disadvantages to consider. The primary challenge is the language barrier, as not all medical staff may be fluent in English, potentially complicating communication. There may also be logistical challenges related to travel and cultural differences that international patients need to navigate. Additionally, while Iran’s medical facilities are generally high-quality, the availability of certain cutting-edge treatments and technologies might vary compared to some Western countries. Despite these challenges, many patients find that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, especially when supported by experienced facilitators like Shafatourism.

Before and After

To provide a clearer picture of the impact and success of cancer treatment in Iran, we have compiled a series of before-and-after images and testimonials. This visual and narrative evidence showcases the remarkable transformations and recoveries experienced by our patients. Each story highlights the effective treatments provided by Iran’s top clinics, emphasizing the quality of care and the significant improvements in patients’ health and well-being. Witnessing these transformations helps prospective patients understand the potential benefits of choosing Iran for their cancer treatment journey.

Last words

At Shafatourism, we are dedicated to providing seamless access to the best cancer treatment in Iran. From initial consultation to post-treatment care, we ensure every step of your medical journey is handled with expertise and compassion. Trust us to connect you with top clinics, facilitate your travel arrangements, and support you throughout your treatment and recovery.


Begin by contacting our consultants who will guide you through the initial consultation and help you with medical record reviews and travel arrangements.

Absolutely, we offer comprehensive support including accommodation, visa assistance, and 24/7 on-ground support to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

Cancer treatment in Iran is significantly more affordable than in many Western countries, without compromising on the quality of care.